
Showing posts from December, 2023

International Junior Cybersecurity Olympiad 2023 CTF competition

The National Cybersecurity R&D Lab (NCL) supported the STEAM AHEAD Global Finals 2023 (7-11 Dec 2023), organized by the Singapore International Mastery Contests Centre (SIMCC) in Bali, Indonesia. The event aimed to provide students with international exposure and education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). The STEAM AHEAD Global Finals 2023 featured three categories, and NCL co-organized the “International Junior Cybersecurity Olympiad 2023 CTF competition”, collaborating with the NUS Centre for Nurturing Computer Excellence. Notably, Professor Chang Ee Chien and Liu Yuancheng from NCL were honored to serve as judges for the International Junior Cybersecurity Olympiad 2023 CTF competition. Prior to the Bali event, NCL conducted four cybersecurity training sessions and a pre-training session before the competition. These sessions covered a wide range of concepts, incorporating Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) presented in the form ...

The National Cybersecurity R&D Laboratory (NCL) participated in Crossed Swords 2023, hosted by CCDCOE

The National Cybersecurity R&D Laboratory (NCL) participated in Crossed Swords 2023, which took place in Estonia from December 11 to 14, 2023. Crossed Swords 23 (XS23) is an exercise designed to train the cyber specialists conduct successfully full-spectrum offensive cyber operations. More than 20 countries, including NATO and non-NATO member states, participated in Crossed Swords 2023. NATO CCDCOE has been organizing the exercise since 2016 and the first red teaming workshop was conducted in 2014. Starting in 2019, the exercise included a designated cyber command element in its training. CCDCOE-led exercises and research provide its member nations with a testbed for experimentation in cyber operations. Crossed Swords tests the capabilities and practices skills that participants would need when planning and executing a full-spectrum cyber operations, especially with elements from the other domains. The training audience includes not only cyber operators, but also digital foren...