GreyHats CTF and Summit 2024

GreyHats CTF 2024, a Capture The Flag competition hosted jointly by NUS GreyHats and Division Zero (Div0), and supported by the National Cybersecurity R&D Laboratory (NCL), took place on July 27th and 28th, 2024, at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS). Over 80 participants from the top 20 teams of the GreyHats online qualifier competed in the onsite finals. Approximately 1,713 participants across 776 teams (549 international teams & 227 local teams) were participated in the qualifier.

The CTF featured challenges from various categories, including Web Exploitation, Binary Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, Blockchain, Cryptography, and Miscellaneous.

This year, GreyHats also hosted a summit on August 10th, 2024, at the School of Computing, NUS. The event featured talks and workshops on cybersecurity, offered students the opportunity to engage with our sponsors to explore opportunities, and the summit concluded with the CTF prize presentation.

The GreyHats CTF 2024 winning teams are:

  • ACSI + NUSH - First Place
  • NUSH Graduates - Second Place
  • NSFs - Third Place

We would like to extend our gratitude to the sponsors Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA), DSO National Laboratories, International Security Department (ISD), HTX and Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) for their support in making this event happen and ensuring its success.

In addition to our sponsors, we would also like to extend a special thanks to the NUS School of Computing for the event venue and the organising committee from NUS Greyhats for their hard work and effort in making this event successful.


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