International Junior Cybersecurity Olympiad (IJCO) 2024

National Cybersecurity R&D Laboratory (NCL) is happy to announce the successful conclusion of the 2nd International Junior Cybersecurity Olympiad (IJCO), held on the 7th of December 2024, at the Hilton Bomonti Hotel and Conference Center in Istanbul, Turkey.

This year’s IJCO witnessed 93 participants (52 onsite and 41 online) from 11 countries, ranging from Grade 7 to Grade 12, competing in a challenging 4-hour Capture the Flag (CTF) contest.

IJCO was a highlight of the STEAM Ahead 2024 Finals, alongside other prestigious competitions like the International Junior Arts Olympiad, International Junior Informatics Olympiad, Vanda International Junior Science Olympiad, and the International Junior Math Olympiad. In total, 1,735 contestants (719 onsite and 1,016 online) from 30 countries competed in the STEAM Ahead 2024 Finals Competitions. The grand award ceremony for all competitions took place on December 10, 2024.

Students who competed in the IJCO contest were awarded medals and certificates accredited by NUS Computing, the National Cybersecurity R&D Lab (NCL), and Centre for Nurturing Computing Excellence (CeNCE). Congratulations to all the winners of the IJCO and other STEAM Ahead competitions!

NCL provided training materials and set up 54 cybersecurity challenges in various categories, including Cryptography, Networking, Red Teaming, Web Exploitation, and Digital Forensics. Leading up to IJCO, NCL also conducted training and set up questions for the National Junior Cybersecurity Olympiad (NJCO) in October 2024, with over 900 students enrolled for training and more than 600 students competing in the online NJCO contest.

A big thank you to NUS School of Computing, Singapore International Mastery Contests Centre (SIMCC), and Centre for Nurturing Computing Excellence (CeNCE), NUS for their incredible support in making this event a success!

About NCL:

National Cybersecurity R&D Laboratory (NCL) is located at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. NCL offers computing resources and controlled experimentation environments to facilitate collaborative research among academia, government bodies, and industry. The NCL Cybersecurity Compute Infrastructure (CCI) comprises a cluster of 300+ nodes with diverse provisioning mechanisms, security data, and security services. The NCL CCI provides a realistic and safe environment to test and validate before the systems are deployed in production.

NCL Testbed is set up to support cyber-security researchers engaged in the research, development, experimentation, and testing of innovative cybersecurity technology. NCL supports a wide range of training and cyber exercises, including CTF events.

NCL’s cloud services include:

  • Compute & Baremetal.
  • GPUs.
  • Custom cybersecurity environments such as replaying APT & various cyberattacks.
  • Capture the Flags (CTFs), Cyber-Exercises.

Visit our website at to learn more about NCL.

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